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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Help your talented students ( not academically) to get the scholarship

Central for Cultural Resources and Training (Under the aegis of ministry of culture, govt of India)

Do you think any of your student is entitled to apply for this, if yes please inform her/ his parents about this:

Duly filled application form along with relevant documents should reach on or before 31st December, 2011 directly to CCRT, New Delhi-110075

Cultural Talent Search Scholarship Scheme-2012 2013
The CCRT is implementing cultural talent search scholarship scheme to provide facilities to outstanding young children selected in the age group of 10 to 14 years for developing their talent in various cultural fields such as traditional forms of music, dance, drama, painting, sculpture and crafts laying special emphasis on rare art forms
The scholarship awarded under the scheme is for two years at a time which is renewable after every two years till the completion of the first university degree stage of education or up to the age of 20 years
Subject to availability of funds, the total number of fresh scholarships to be awarded every year will be 520, of which 125 may be reserved for children of families practicing traditional performing arts etc. and 20 for Specially Challenged children. The remaining 375 scholarships will be treated as general scholarships.

Children whose date of birth is in between 01.07.1998 and 30.06.2002 (both days inclusive) are eligible to apply for the award of scholarships for the year 2012-13.
The talented children in the age group of 10 to 14 years (as per the cut off eligibility dates), studying in the recognized schools will be eligible to apply under the Scheme. In exceptional cases, the lower age limit can be relaxed up to two years. In the case of children of families practicing traditional performing arts, the condition regarding attendance of school for academic education will not be imposed at the time of application. But in the event of their selection, they must attend a school for academic education and their scholarship will be released only on submission of a proper certificate from the Head of the School.

The children whose parent's/guardian's total monthly income is less than ` 6000/- only (Rupees Six Thousand Only) per month will be given preference for the award of scholarship. However, the criteria of talent and potential will be taken into consideration for all the candidates.
The application and other details may be downloaded from the CCRT website www.ccrtindia.gov.in or collected free of cost personally/by post from any one of the following addresses
For further details contact:
Director General,
Centre for Cultural Resources and Training,

15-A, Sector - 7, Pappankalan, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110075.
Telephone:(011) 25088638, 47151000 Fax: 91-11-25088637,
Gram: CENCULT E-mail:- skdgccrt@del3.vsnl.net.in

Regional Centre

Centre for Cultural Resources and Training

3-B, Ambavgarh, Near Swarup Sagar, Udaipur, Rajasthan Pin Code: 313001
Tel.No. (0294) 3291577, 2430771, 2430764, Fax No (0294) 2430771
E-mail:- ccrtrcud@sancharnet.in

Deputy Director
Regional Centre
Centre for Cultural Resources and Training

Ist Floor, Sericulture Department Building
Road No.72, Prasasan Nagar, Jubliee Hills, Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh
Pin Code: 500034, Tel.No. (040) 23557050 Fax No.(040) 23541901
E-mail:- hyd2_ccrthyd@sancharnet.in
Deputy Director
Regional Centre
Centre for Cultural Resources and Training
58, Juripar, Panjabari Road, Guwahati-781037 Assam Pin Code: 781037
Tel.No. (0361) 2130020-21 , Fax No.(0361) 2130021
E-mail:- skdgccrt@del3.vsnl.net.in

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